Superhuman Power

Discover your strength, find your superpower,
and level-up your confidence!

An intermediate 8-week strength and conditioning program that will help you to uncover your superhuman power and become the strongest youā€™ve ever been!

Is this you?...

  • Have you plateaued with your strength gainz?
  • Are you lost and confused and have no idea what you're doing?
  • Have you worked with other trainers in the past and not achieved the results you wanted?
  • Do you wonder why you’re not able to get there on your own? 
  • Do you feel burnt out?
  • Have you been overtraining and lost motivation?
  • Have you lost joy and has working out become more of a chore?
  • Are you struggling to get your mind and body back into a goal crushing machine?
I get it! When I used to train in Crossfit I ran my body into the ground.
I did that for a few years until I LITERALLY broke my back.

It was then that I realized that what I was doing was NOT sustainable.

If I wanted to gain strength and power, I needed to create a training plan that was more sustainable and energized me rather than destroyed me.

I remember some of the mottos I used to live by... 

Pain is just weakness leaving the body.

No pain, no gain.

Sweat is your fat crying. 

Now when I think of those, I cringe!

If your body is in pain, it’s telling you that something is WRONG…

Training MORE DOES NOT equal more gainz...

And I love to sweat, but exercise and sweat should not be punishment.

Getting superhuman strong is about training SMARTER, NOT harder.

AND following a structured training program with specific goals instead of random workouts of the day.

Having specific goals helps you to see progress along the way which will motivate you, bring joy back to your training, and help you to feel accomplished, like a TRUE BADASS!

The Superhuman Power program helps you to do just that!
Superhuman Power will help you to increase strength, endurance, and POWER, while you build juicy muscles, and become a MASTER at the Skill of Strength.
It will unleash strength you never knew you had or even thought was possible!
  • It will unleash the Superhuman in you that you never even knew existed and strength you never thought was possible!
  • You will be excited for your daily workouts and build confidence that will carry over into ALL areas of your life!

When you feel strong in your workouts, 

you feel EMPOWERED in life!

Here's how the program breaks down...

Superhuman Power is an 8-week intermediate strength and conditioning program that will help you to build total body strength, and achieve specific goals by focusing on the following strength exercises:

  • Bulgarian Split Squats
  • Push-ups
  • Staggered Stance Deadlifts
  • Turkish Get-ups 
  • Bent-over Rows
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Core Work

→ PLUS complexes, EMOMs, and Intervals for conditioning!!

You will track your progress by testing your strength and performance in Weeks 1 and 8 of the program.

You can use either kettlebells, dumbbells, OR a combination.

The program includes alternative exercises that meet you at your skill level.


Who is this program for?

  • This program is for the intermediate lifter who is seeking consistency, not afraid to be challenged, and enjoys working towards specific goals.

Who is this program NOT for?

  • This program is NOT for people who want to do random workouts with an arbitrary variety of exercises.

What to expect?

  • Just like any training program, you may feel some soreness as your body adapts to the training program over the first one to two weeks. 

What you'll get:

  • Lifetime access to the 8-week training program on my customized app

  • Videos for each exercise

  • A VIP group for discussion and community

  • Access to a support coach for questions about the program
I can't wait to welcome you into Superhuman Power!
Are you ready to discover your Superhuman Power??
What you'll get:
  • Lifetime access to the 8-week training program on my customized app
  • Videos for each exercise
  • A VIP group for discussion and community
  • Access to a support coach for questions about the program

I'm Hannah.

I help women find their inner strength and beauty through functional fitness, proper nutrition, and mindset coaching. I believe that obsessing over weight loss and restricting calories is the wrong approach to a healthier lifestyle and I pride myself in veering away from the societal norm of weight loss. I want to teach women that we can stop the cycle of yo-yo dieting and find a more sustainable, balanced lifestyle where we can finally enjoy life, not obsess over food, and love our bodies (at any size). Life is short, eat the damn donut and drink your glass of wine!