StrongHER Together 2.0


Discover your strength, transform your body, & level up your confidence with this NEW and IMPROVED program!

A 12-week full body beginner to intermediate progressive overload strength program to help you build muscle, shed fat, & level up your confidence in and outside the gym.

Join Now!

Does This Sound Like You....?


  • Have you plateaued in your workouts & are no longer seeing gains in the gym?
  • Are you doing random workouts everyday from your favorite fitness influencers?
  • Do you have no idea what you're doing when it comes to the weight section of the gym?
  • Do you feel burnt out or have nagging injuries from overtraining?
  • Have you wanted to try a progressive overload strength program because you’ve heard that is the best way to build muscle?
  • Do you eat ‘clean’ & workout daily just to look ‘skinny fat’?
  • Are you confused with how to fuel your body? Do you feel lost with how many calories to eat and in what macro portions? 

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, then this program is designed for you!


My 12-week StrongHER Together strength program is designed for women who feel discouraged with their results in the gym and lost when it comes to what a real strength program looks like. 

A REAL strength program should focus on progressive overload - increasing weight, reps, or difficulty in an exercise over a period of time.

A REAL strength program should focus on the same exercises week after week instead of doing random exercises every single day. Random exercises will get you random results. 

A REAL strength program is designed by an educated coach, not a fitness influencer with no education, who understands how the body works, and how to build a full body program to target every movement pattern and muscle group.

Who is this program for?

  • This program is for the beginner to intermediate woman who wants to build real muscle, improve their body composition & lose fat, and is done with quick fixes & fad diets.

Who is this program NOT for?

  • This program is NOT for people who want to do random workouts everyday. If you find consistency in the gym boring, then this program is not for you.

What to expect?

  • Just like any training program, you may feel some soreness as your body adapts to the training program over the first one to two weeks. 
  • Expect to gain muscle and/or shed fat over the 12 week period. Keep in mind that your nutrition is a key aspect of reaching your aesthetic & strength goals which is why I am offering an add on to follow a customized macro meal plan.

What you’ll receive.

  • Access  to the Trainerize app for 4 months from your purchase date.
    • This is where the strength program will be uploaded
    • There will be videos attached to every exercise showing how to do the exercises correctly
    • There is an option to substitute exercises if you don’t have the right equipment or need to modify.
    • Ability to track your progress for your workouts, weight, measurements, pictures, steps, calories burned, and so on through the app
  • Access to the StrongHER Together group chat through the app for daily support and community
  • 2 live group calls with Hannah to go over the monthly workouts and learn how to lift with proper form (time TBD, calls will be recorded)
  • Additional add on: Individualized macro meal plan based on your goals (fat loss or muscle gain)

Details of Program:


How long will the workouts be?


The workouts will be around 45-60 minutes from start to finish, depending on how fast you move through the program. It is perfect for anyone who wants to get in and out of the gym or those who workout from home!


How many workouts will there be per week?


There will be 4 strength workouts each week. Two upper body focused strength sessions and two lower body focused strength sessions.


Where will the program be available?


The program will be given to you on the Trainerize app. You will have videos attached to explain how to do each exercise and a place where you can write down notes and keep track of your weights/reps.

When will the program start?


The program starts when you sign up! When you sign-up, the program will automatically be assigned to you and you can start that day!


Equipment needed:


At Gym:

  • Dumbbells or kettlebells 
  • Bench press
  • cables/ lat pulldown
  • bands

At Home:

  • Dumbbells or kettlebells (I recommend a light, moderate, and heavy set of weights)
  • Bench (can modify and do exercises on the floor if needed)
  • Long and short bands 

How much does it cost?

The full price for the program is $199 however if you purchase on the first two days of the launch, you will receive 50% OFF!!


Choose Your Program:


This is a 12-week full body progressive overload strength program. This program is great for beginner to intermediate lifters. The workouts are all 45-55 minutes in length. You will receive 4 workouts, two upper body workouts and two lower body workouts. There are two phases in this program, each lasting 6 weeks long. You will repeat the 4 workouts you receive for each phase for 6 weeks long, focusing on increasing your weights and reps as you get stronger.

Gym Program


For the gym workouts, you will need access to a cable system for exercises like cable rows, lat pull downs, and tricep extensions. You will also need access to a back extension machine (although this can be substituted if you don't have this at your gym). Other than that, you will be using free weights (dumbbells or kettlebells) and bands for your warm up exercises.


Home Program


For the at home workouts, I recommend having 3 sets of free weights, dumbbells or kettlebells are okay (light, moderate, and heavy), so you can pick an appropriate weight for both upper and lower body exercises. Besides that, you will need some long and short bands for the warm up exercises.


*please note this purchase is non-refundableÂ